Garden in the fall


One fall afternoon, my friend Kat Howland Payne and I wandered through the UC Botanical Garden in Berkeley. The leaves were just starting to turn. She is wearing a maxi dress from Shabby Apple. 

I miss her dearly, she just moved to New York. I'm thankful for the time we got to spend together and wish her the best on her new adventure. 

Yoga // Lake Tahoe Fall Leaves


Fall is one of my favorite times to photograph. A while back, yogi Ashley Dien and I explored Lake Tahoe and found some yellow leaves before it snowed! She is wearing Liquido Active Skinny Racer Bra and Active Pattern Leggings in Cancun. 

Tree Pose (above) + Tree Pose with Lotus Prayer + Eagle Pose or Garudasana (below)

One-legged King Pigeon Pose with bind or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Above and Below) + Classical Headstand Variation or Salambra Sirsana (Below)

Hand Stand + Lord of the dance pose with bind or Natarajasana (above)

Dancer's Pose or Natarajasana (Above) + Bridge Pose (Below)

Yoga // Lake Tahoe Meadow


Lake Tahoe holds a special place in my heart. It's where I feel the most myself, centered. I love all the seasons. Biking in the crisp autumn air, hitting the slopes in the winter, hunting for waterfalls in the spring, lounging by the lake in the summer. It's my favorite place in the world. When I had the opportunity to shoot with my beautiful friend and yoga teacher, Ashley Dien, in a gorgeous meadow in Tahoe, I couldn't pass it up. Ashley is wearing the purple salt Electric and Rose leggings and tie dye bralette. There was a storm approaching in the middle of our shoot and it made for a gorgeous sunset.